Press ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU N This procedure adds up the initial YTD figures keyed in on conversion from anA existing payroll system (computer or manual) to our Payroll USA.L No changes will be made to the PAYUSA.DTA employee file which is read only.O The totals will be printed on your system printer. Have it switched on and the" paper lined up before proceeding.M Run this procedure before the first Payroll USA pay cycle so that if you areL out of balance then you can still fix it. This procedure may be run as manyO times as needed. The Payroll USA employee YTD screens will be locked after theO first pay cycle as they are normally maintained by the system for integrity ofN the W-2's etc., so be sure everything balances to your existing system beforeN doing that first pay. More information will be printed in the report heading.J Be sure printer is switched on and paper lined up for 2 page report, thenU E PAYROLL USA - INITIAL TOTAL OF TRANSFERRED YTD FIGURESE ====================================================== Printed From File J For use on mid year start up when balances are transferred from an9 existing payroll system - computerised or manual.F The figures shown below should balance to your existing systemE BEFORE running the 1st pay cycle on PAYROLL USA. Required forI accuracy of W-2 forms and for accurate calculation of items whichH have upper limits (FICA, FUTA, SUTA ) - for this purpose also beK sure that the FUTA Wage, SUTA Wage, and various applicable 941 WageH items towards the end of the next page are correct. Include thisJ year's terminated employees (but show Employee Status = T ) if you2 wish W-2 forms to be printed for them too.H If out of balance, find which employee is wrong then change thatI employee's YTD figures in PAYROLL USA through the employee updateJ function. You may do this at any time BEFORE the first pay cycle -H after that the YTD screens will be locked. Run this procedure asJ often as required to get in balance. It is just a simple addition,F like running an adding machine tape, it changes nothing on the employee file. 5 Deductions, etc., continued on Next Page ....I PAYROLL USA - INITIAL TOTAL OF TRANSFERRED YTD FIGURES - PAGE 2 There are presently employees on this fileU 8#RP1 Employees Processed = Employee File D is missing. You have to key in some employees before you can total= their YTD. Try again, but do it before the first pay cycle.U hQRSP 8#RSP F This procedure is for PAYROLL USA Special Pay Cycles where only a fewM employees are to be paid. The last pay cycle should have been made permanentO and a backup done first before running this procedure. This procedure will askI you to verify your intentions if this has not been done. Press the PrintL Screen key (Shift PrtSc on older computers) after each screen if you want aO permanent copy of these instructions. You will be given an opportunity to exit% this procedure with no changes made. The steps to follow are:J 1. Select the INACTIVE option. This will make everybody's EMPLOYEE STATUSK CODE invalid before the special pay cycle by turning on the high bit ofF the Status Code. The status code will then look strange (a graphicM character probably) but is easily later restored to its original value by7 turning the high bit back off again (Step 5 below).G 2. The required employees should then be made ACTIVE by changing theirK EMPLOYEE STATUS CODE to A using the regular Payroll USA Employee Update: procedure. Also key in hours etc. for the special pay.H 3. Run the pay cycle as normal, but make the pay date different (e.g. aK day earlier or later) than normal so that a seperate backup can be doneE as the backup filename is based on pay date. Only those employeesH manually made ACTIVE will be paid. Ignore any messages about InvalidI Status Codes. Print Cheques, Current Payroll Register, and Journal as normal.E 4. If everything looks good make the special pay cycle permanent andI create a backup as normal. If it was absolutely necessary to make theK special pay date the same as a regular pay date be sure that a seperateL diskette is used for this special pay backup else the regular pay backupH will be overwritten. (Because Backup Filename is based on pay date).D 5. Run this procedure again and select the ACTIVE option which willL restore the original EMPLOYEE STATUS CODES for everyone by switching off$ the high bit of the Status Code.I 6. If the people who participated in the special pay no longer should beF active, change their EMPLOYEE STATUS using the regular Payroll USA Employee Update procedure.% PRESS A KEY TO INDICATE YOUR CHOICE:$ -----------------------------------E 1 = Make all employees INACTIVE prior to set up of Special Pay CycleD 2 = Restore regular (ACTIVE) Status Codes after a Special Pay Cycle3 3 = OOPS! - EXIT THIS PROGRAM WITH NO CHANGES MADE D You wish to make all employees inactive, yet the last pay cycle hasE not yet been made permanent. You should only proceed if the results@ of the last pay cycle were erroneous and are to be thrown away.C If the last pay cycle is made permanent AFTER running this programE the results of this program will be overwritten. If you are in factB re-running the last pay cycle then be sure you indicate that whenD prompted by the Payroll USA Employee Update and Pay Cycle programs.F If the last pay cycle was a good one then exit this program now, makeA the last pay cycle permanent by running the Payroll USA Employee5 Update program, then re-run this ACTIVE.EXE program.I You wish to restore the original Employee Status Codes, presumably afterC doing a special pay cycle where most employees were made inactive.F However, the results of that special pay cycle have not yet been madeB permanent. If you proceed then later make that special pay cycleC permanent the results of this program will be overwritten and most" employees will still be inactive.F You should proceed only if for some reason you have changed your mindF and no longer wish to do a special pay cycle, or if one has just been7 done and you no longer wish to keep the results of it.I If the special pay cycle was a good one then exit this program now, makeD the special pay cycle permanent by running the Payroll USA Employee' Do you wish to proceed (Reply Y or N),! ( Press N if you wish to EXIT ) C Employee File not found, nothing to process. Press any Key to Exit Missing File is Employee's Processed = PAYUSA.TMP PAYUSA.INXU 0 Hmmm... Probably Something Not Quite Right Here >XQ-u >UQ-u M This is a PAYROLL USA Utility procedure which allows changes to the EmployeeI Number and Employee Social Security Number (SSN). Once these numbers areO entered when an employee is first added the cursor will not go to these fieldsF on the Employee Update screens. The reason for this is because SSN inL combination with Employee Number (if used) is the key to the records on theM file. Each employee has several records and they are linked together by thisO key. Therefore if the key is changed it has to be changed everywhere it occurs. in the file, and the index has to be rebuilt.J Originally we never anticipated a need to change the SSN, but in practiceL there are some new employees who do not yet have a SSN, and mistakes in SSNL are sometimes made when adding an employee. For those who are waiting for aJ SSN to be issued use 000-00-0000 to pay them. That will remind you that aO change is needed. As long as they have different employee numbers several suchF employees can exist on the file. When the real SSN is issued use thisO procedure to change the 000-00-0000 to the real number. This should be done asK soon as possible and must be done before year end if the correct SSN is toA appear on the W2's (else you will have to change them manually).M This simple procedure can change only one such employee each time it is run.H There must be enough free space on the disk for the procedure to make a2 temporary copy of the employee file (PAYUSA.DTA).1 Do you wish to change a key ? ( Reply Y or N ) FIND EXISTING KEY ----------------- SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER EMPLOYEE NUMBER CHANGE IT TO NEW KEY --------------------U 'New Key is same as Old Key - Try Again + Employee File not found, missing file is ANY KEY TO EXIT PAYUSA.TMP @ New Key already exists. ANY KEY TO ABORT with no changes made.$ Key has been changed as requested.? Existing Key not found. ANY KEY TO EXIT with no changes made.U D You have NOT made the results of the last pay cycle permanent yet.L Unless you are going to re-run the last pay cycle the changes made by thisK program will be erased when you do make the results of the last pay cycleK permanent. If they are so erased, be prepared to run this program again. ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU M This procedure will restore files backed up full size by the routines in ourH PAYROLL USA system. It is designed to handle files that will fit on oneN diskette and that diskette will contain one or more directories named for theG pay date, example 910315IN. If your employee files will not fit on oneM diskette then see our documentation file BACKUP.TXT for alternative backup / restore methods.O This procedure will not restore files backed up with the DOS Backup procedure,I nor will it restore files backed up by other proprietory systems such asB Fastback, nor will it restore compressed .ARC or .ZIP etc. files.K In most cases this procedure will be able to automatically determine whichI directory the files were backed up from and it will restore them to thatF directory. If it cannot determine where the files belong it will ask.K Diskettes can have internal labels and with the 1990 and later versions weH will be writing and checking those labels on backup diskettes where theM procedures detect that multiple employee files exist (e.g. Accountants doingL payroll for several seperate clients). This is to help ensure that seperateH diskettes are used for each of the multiple employee files and that theJ correct diskette is inserted (to reduce the possibility of multiple files being mixed up).K Note that the restored files will replace your existing files on the inputH directory only. In order to re-create the output directory (for checks,L reports, future pay cycles etc.) you also need to re-run the pay cycle thatH these restored files were input to. Hours etc. will already be entered.J Assuming taxes have not changed then all you need do is run the pay cycleN giving current and next pay dates equal to the original dates. If the messageG about re-running the pay cycle appears when doing this then reply "Y".L Before restoring files you should ensure you have a backup of your existingK files in case the restore does not fix your problem and the existing filesN need to be put back. Backups are normally done as part of making the last payK cycle permanent, or see documentation file BACKUP.TXT for alternate backup methods.U # WHICH DISK DRIVE TO RESTORE FROM ? (Press A, B, C, etc. ) ) Insert correct backup diskette in Drive + then press Y, or press N to abort restore )!8#0 PAYUSA.CNF :\KCannot access backup drive, no files copied. Fix drive and restart program. PRESS ANY KEY \! Copying backed up data files to PAYUSA.CNFO Do you wish to also restore the Configuration File that was in use at the timeN the backup was made. This will restore all options and defaults the way theyM were, but it will overwrite your existing Configuration file and any changes3 made in it since the backup was made will be lost." Press Y to Restore Configuration, -OR-1 Press N to leave existing Configuration in placeN Restore of input directory is Complete. Hours etc. should already be enteredN but you may make changes if necessary. Remember to Run a Pay Cycle using theM original dates to create the output directory before printing any reports orL before re-running any pay cycles that are later than the pay date this file was input to.I Be extra careful with the messages about re-running pay cycles or makingL changes prior to re-running pay cycles. Until the output directory for theM restored input files has been created you are actually re-running the backedK up pay cycle so reply Y. If you run any other pay cycles after that firstE one, they are not re-runs but new pay cycles (at least as far as the programs are concerned).D Example, monthly pay for December is wrong, you find this is due toG something that went wrong in October so you restore the October files.G You fix the error (a change prior to re-running October, so reply Y ),@ you run the October pay cycle (a re-run, so reply Y ), then youI re-enter November hours (not a re-run, reply N to make October permanentJ first), etc. Nothing from this point on is a re-run as far as the programD is concerned because it lost all trace of the original November andD December figures when October was restored. Press Print Screen (orM Shift and PrtSc on older keyboards) if you wish to print this for reference. ANY KEY TO EXIT U # Press Y to Continue, or N to Exit :\- That drive is invalid. Any key to try again. The available files are: ??????IN.N Select a file that is named for a pay date ( YYMMDDIN, example 891215IN ) andM enter its name or just press Enter if no files are listed or if the file you want is not listed." Enter File Name to Restore From :; Press Y to try another backup diskette or press N to Exit @ That file not found. Check your spelling. Any key to try again. Cannot find PAYUSA.CNF- Configuration file to determine which targetN directory to restore these files to. Enter full DOS path name of your normal= input data directory for these employees (example C:\PAYIN )K Please do not guess as that may result in the loss of data. If you are notI sure then enter something that is definately invalid (example C:\XCVBD )L then you will be given an opportunity to exit. If this program was startedE directly from the DOS prompt try restarting it as a menu choice from PAYUSA" and your troubles should be over. Enter Target Path Name :: That path not found. Press Y to try again, or N to Exit. U C 8#U #&#+#0#B#G#L#V#[#m#r#w# $!$3$8$=$O$T$Y$k$p$u$ %!%+%0%B%G%L%^%c%h%z% &)&.&@&E&J&\&a&f&x&}& '#'('2'7'I'T'Y'^'h'm'r'~' (-(@(E( /(/-/?/D/I/[/`/e/w/|/ 0$0)0.0@0E0J0T0Y0k0p0u0 1"1'1,161;1M1R1W1i1n1s1 2$2)2.2@2M2R2W2\2i2n2 3+303>3f3 4 484L4 5(565F5P5Z5h5 5<6O6c6i6n6 6<7R7 808@8O8 8;?C?U?Z?_?q?v?{? @#@-@2@D@I@N@`@e@j@|@ A$A)A.ADAIANA`AeAjA|A B"B'B,B6B;BMBRBWBaBfBpBuB C!C+C0CBCGCLC D1DND`DwD E!E&E4EGFUFiFtFyF G+G0GFGPGZG_GnGsG H1H6HAHFHQHVHeHwH|H ICIMIRIgIlIwI|I JUK]KlKvK{K U U%U*UDESCRIPTION NUMBER DR. CR.>----------- ------ --- --- Gross Pay Debit split by GL/Branch/Dept./Project: ADJUST(ROUND) ----------- ----------- TO RECORD EMPLOYEE PAY =========== ===========O * YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBERS CAN BE PRINTED IF ENTERED FROM THE CONFIGURATION MENU *) (Select F5 - Your Company Information)U 8#RSP 8#RSP FUTA less St.Cr. COMPANY SUTA COMPANY FICA ----------- ----------- TO RECORD ADDL. EMPLOYEE EXP. =========== ===========U 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP , BE SURE PRINTER IS ON AND PAPER IS LINED UP ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 8#i} u >m} u 8#RSPU 8#RSPU 8#RSPU 8#RSPU )!8#0 Payroll USA Print Empl. Labels I Ready to print Employee Name and Address Labels. This Routine prints onI standard 3 1/2" x 15/16" Continuous Form Labels (One Across, Pin Feed).J It is all or nothing. You cannot select which employees will be printed.9 Need not be run each pay, just whenever you need labels.! Want to Continue (Reply Y or N) PAYUSA.DTA PAYUSA.DTA is missing Press Any Key to Exit Skip Terminated Employees Print ALL, incl. Terminated POP= Please ensure printer is on and sufficient labels are loaded then press any key.= Did the first label line up OK ? Adjust printer and Press N9 to print it again, OR Press Y to print remaining labels / ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENUU >.NYu >.NNu >,RTt !EMPLOYEE INFORMATION PRINTED ON =============================== SSN EMPL NUM PREV EMPL NUM SURNAME FIRST NAME STREET PHONE TOWN STATE ZIP CODE MARRIED YR BORN MO BORN DAY BORN OCCUPATION EMPLOYEE TYPE EMPLOYEE STATUS YR LAST REVIEW MO LAST REVIEW DAY LAST REVIEW YR NEXT REVIEW MO NEXT REVIEW DAY NEXT REVIEW PAY METHOD SALARY TERRITORY SALARY LEVEL SALARY PERFORMANCE ANNUAL SALARY HOURLY RATE PAY FREQ OVERTIME PERMITTED VACATION ACCRUAL P'CENT VACATION ALLOW VACATION TAKEN SICK ACCRUAL P'CENT SICK ALLOW SICK TAKEN START YEAR START MO START DAY END YEAR END MO END DAY REASON TERMINATED EMPLOYEE'S BANK ROUTING CODE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER EXEMPT FED TAX VOL FED ADDTNL WHOLDG NUM OF FED EXEMPTIONS EIC W5 FILED EIC W5 SPOUSE FILED +EXEMPT SOCIAL SECURITY AND EXEMPT MEDICARE /FEDERAL OR STATE EMPLOYEE PAYING MEDICARE ONLY EXEMPT FUTA EXEMPT STATE TAX VOL STATE ADDTNL WHOLDG NUM OF REG. STATE EXEMPTIONS NUM OF ADDL. STATE EXEMPTIONS EXEMPT SUTA EXEMPT LOCAL TAX NUM OF LOCAL EXEMPTIONS NON RESIDENT FOR LOCAL U 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 Payroll USA Print Empl. Info K Ready to Print Employee Basic Information. This routine prints the firstK three screens of each Employee Record. It need not be run every pay, justK whenever you need a fresh set of listings for your Personnel Files. It isK all or nothing, you cannot select which employees - use Shift PrtSc from0 the employee screens if only 1 or 2 are needed.! Want to Continue (Reply Y or N) PAYUSA.DTA PAYUSA.DTA is missing Press Any Key to Exit Skip Terminated Employees Print ALL, incl. Terminated Please ensure printer is on* and paper is lined up then press any key./ ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENUU >.NYu >,RTt 6*** ERROR - VOID CHEQUE, AMOUNT ZERO OR NEGATIVE *** Hundred Thousand and Zero and /100 U ** ERROR ** REPORT PRINTED: PAGE: E PLEASE DELIVER THIS REPORT TO YOUR BANK. FAX DELIVERY MAY BE O.K. ATF THE BANK'S OPTION IF THE BANK KNOW YOUR SIGNING OFFICER AND CAN PHONE6 BACK TO CONFIRM THE TRANSFER IS O.K.F ===================================================================== Telephone: Extn ______!Contact _________________________!Department ______________________)EMPLOYEE PAYROLL - BANK TRANSFER OF FUNDS)========================================= TRANSFER FROM: ------------- Bank Routing Code Bank Account Total Transfer: Employees Total Transfer: $GPlease transfer funds from our account identified above to the accountsDof the employees listed below and on any attached sheets bearing the same timestamp (*Funds must reach destination accounts by: ISignature of Authorised Signing Officer _________________________________ Date _____________________ TRANSFER TO: -----------3ROUTING CODE ACCOUNT# AMOUNT EMPLOYEE NAMEU 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 REPORT PRINTED: PAGE: EMPLOYEE PAYROLL TRANSFER Bank Routing Code Bank Account @ =========================================================3ROUTING CODE ACCOUNT# AMOUNT EMPLOYEE NAMEU 8#RP1 FThis report printed from the PAYROLL USA payroll system for the IBM PC2 Authors: Anthistle Systems & Programming Ltd. / ----------- TOTAL TRANSFER $ (for Employees) =========== 8#RP1 8#RSP PAYROLL USA BANK TRANSFER I This procedure will print a list of bank account numbers and amounts forI transfer of employee pay directly from your bank account to the employeeI bank account. This requires that the necessary bank account numbers andG routing codes have been entered in the individual employee records (onH the second of the two employee basic information screens) and that yourC own bank account information has been entered in the ConfigurationF section of this program (Configuration Menu Choice "F5 = Your Company Information" )H The employee needs a statement of pay. If you have not already done soF you can print that from the previous menu with choice "F2 = Print Pay# Slips" when this procedure is done, Be sure printer is on and paper is lined up PRESS ANY KEY when ready PAYUSCUR.DTA J There are no employees who were paid in the last pay cycle. Are you sureG the last pay cycle was a good one ? In any event, there is nothing to print.! ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO EXITU 8#RSP : TOO MANY EDIT ENTRIES TO FIT ON SCREEN - ANY KEY TO EXIT Use Arrow Keys then EnterU PRINTED: Page "INDIVIDUAL PAYROLL ITEM REPORT ON FOR YEAR TO DATE FOR PAY DATE L Note: If report contains sub totals they are based on sort keys entered onK Employee Hours Entry Screen for most recent Pay Period. If these are YTDK figures any sub totals are based only on the most recent pay's sort keys.3SSN EMPLOYEE# FIRST AND LAST NAMES U 8#"C"Y"a"r" #?#D#I#Y#p#u# #Z$s$ % %%%*%/%C%H%M%b%l%v%~% &!&+&0&F&N&[&j&w&}& '#')'F'L'c' ),)a)f)p)u) *A*V* +4+:+[+q+ ,#,(, -:-Q-\-a- .(.[.x. 656m6 6"7V7n7 7E8]8q8 :':,:1:F: ::;e;~; B>m> ?'?_? ?(@0@M@a@{@ ANAVAsA B9BtB|B B.CfC C$DKD EAEUE|E EFFnF G,GSG HTH\HyH H%I?IzI JKJeJ KZKpK M&MQCQUQZQ_QpQ R9RHRQRvR S2S7SUCUHU`UeUjU V$V)V.V=VZV_VdV|V \%\/\7\<\A\S\c\m\w\ ].]3]8]J]O]T]f]k]p] ^'^,^A^K^U^Z^h^m^ _B_V_e_y_ `#`6`;`E`J`e` a-a=a[aka b)b9bRbpb c!c&c5cTcfclcxc g(g-g2ghChMhRhdhqh~h i;iEiJi\iaifixi}i j,j7j 1 Enter Numeric Digits Only, in the range 0 to 10 = NUMBER OF BLANK CHARACTERS TO INSERT IN LEFT MARGIN ===> H To line up the FIRST Check we will print a dummy Check repeatedly untilL it is lined up (you can re-set the empty lines and blank characters between< each line up) then we will start with the first real Check.J Please be sure there are sufficient single sheet laser check forms in theE paper cassette to process all checks for this run then PRESS ANY KEY PRESS ANY KEY = Is the dummy Check lined up ? (If not, we will do it again) Reply Y or N H Please Enter the Check Number of the Check we are about to Print. NoteG this is the first good Check, do not enter the number from any spoiled line up Checks" Use a Maximum of 8 Numeric Digits> Please Enter the FIRST Check Number ORIGINALLY PRINTED before the printer problem.GWe are going to find the start position, be sure spelling and text caseJentered in response to the following First Name / Surname prompts is EXACT&Enter First Name from last Good Check #Enter Surname from last Good Check #** Sorry No Match found - TRY AGAINU Print REGULAR Pin Feed Checks Print LASER Checks PRINTING PAYROLL USA LASER PAY CHECKS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE A Multi-Purpose Check forms for LASER printers are available from:N DELUXE BUSNS. FORMS, 1275 Red Fox Rd., P.O. Box 64181, St.Paul, MN 55164-9635OFor Ordering Information or FREE samples, Call DELUXE Toll Free, 1-800-328-0304L You need check form 091193. Optional matching window envelope form 091500.K Approx. check prices: 500 $54.95, 1000 $74.95, 2000 $129.95, 3000 $174.95M IMPORTANT - for fastest service please mention keycode CO5778 when placing6 forms orders with DELUXE. (Letters CO, Numbers 5778)O M The check is on the TOP part of the form, the bottom is a plain stub. If youI have existing checks that are reversed, stub on top check on bottom, tryN line up 1/3 way down so top stub is not used & pay details print below check.O PRINTING PAYROLL USA PAY CHECKS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE M Multi-Purpose Check forms are available in 1, 2, or 3 part (depends how many< copies you want to keep) in quantities of 250 and up, from:L You need check form 091004. Optional matching window envelope form 091534.J Alternative Forms Suppliers: This is a widely available check form, mayL also be used for Accounts Payable. Size 9.5 x 7 inches (8.5 x 7 detached).G The check is on the TOP half of the form, the bottom is a plain stub.; Company Check Envel. Toll Free= Moore Business Products 7030 39H15149 1-800-323-6230= NEBS 9025 775 1-800-225-6380OIf you have existing checks that are reversed, stub on top check on bottom, tryPline up 1/2 way down so first stub is not used and stub prints on next check set PAYUSCUR.DTAK There are no checks to print from the last pay cycle. Either no employeesL were paid (perhaps no hours were entered) or the last pay cycle was abortedM before it was finished. Try re-running the pay cycle before printing checks.* Press ANY KEY to Terminate Check Printing Print ALL Checks)Printer problem, restart part way through PAYUSytd.DTA H Please remove check forms from printer and replace with plain paper forI the Check Register Print. Note that any extra lines and columns used to= position the image on the check form will no longer be used.H If, in addition, you manually changed the printer ORIGIN or TOP OF FORMJ settings for the check printing put them back to their normal values now.@ Please Remove Checks from the Printer, then Insert and Line Up* Plain Paper for the Check Register Print PRESS ANY KEY when Ready @ Total Checks Issued U paydb3.dbf >0N_u >i} u >m} u >0N_u PAYDB3.DBF Payroll USA dBASE III 0 Translating to dBASE III / dBASE IV .DBF Format Input: Output: PAYDB3.DBFG The Output File PAYDB3.DBF will be ready to use (i.e. needs no furtherE translation) with your dBASE III or dBASE IV system. (And with otherF popular productivity programs, such as Quattro, which can import .DBF files.) Record No. / ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENUU PAYBASIC.DBF >i} u >m} u PAYINCOM.DBF >0N2u >i} u >m} u >0N2u PAYDEDCT.DBF >0NHu >i} u >m} u >0NHu PAYNETGV.DBF >0N_u >i} u >m} u >0N_u Payroll USA dBASE II D NOTE: dBASE II is now obsolete. It has long since been replaced byE dBASE III and then by dBASE IV. As at 3/1991 we plan to delete thisH translation utility in the next release. PLEASE ADVISE US IF YOU STILL) HAVE ANY USE FOR IT OR IT WILL BE GONE ! ANY KEY TO CONTINUE Translating File to dBASE IIH Because dBASE II has a maximum of 32 fields per database 4 Output FilesH are necessary. These files will be ready to process with your dBASE II3 System (i.e. no further translation is necessary).; Creating PAYBASIC.DBF - Basic Name / Address / Hours Info. Record No. . Creating PAYINCOM.DBF - Employee Income Items, Creating PAYDEDCT.DBF - Employee Deductions9 Creating PAYNETGV.DBF - Employee Net Pay / 941 Liability/ ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENUU "YES" "NO"U PAYLOTUS.DIF TABLE VECTORS TUPLES >0N_u >i} u >m} u >0N_u Payroll USA LOTUS DIF Translating to .DIF Format Input: Output: PAYLOTUS.DIFK The Output File, PAYLOTUS.DIF, can be translated to a Lotus 123 .WKS /.WK1K file or a Symphony .WRK /.WR1 file by running the Lotus Translate Program.I Select .DIF input to the Lotus Translate. We suggest you translate itH Row Wise then after translation set the default column width to 15. ItJ may also be readable by the .DIF translate utilities of other spreadsheetG programs. If you are a Quattro user select the Payroll USA dBASE IIII translation instead of using this routine as some versions of Quattro do3 not process .DIF files but can process .DBF files. Record No. / ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENUU H*** ERROR - Employee has too many Pay Detail Entries to fit on Pay Slip ( F PAYROLL CHECK REGISTER Page 2 =======================! PROCESSED ON H Check Check Employee Name Check H Number Date (Payee) AmountI ------ ---- ------------- -------U _________ ( - EMPLOYEE PAY STATEMENT FOR Employee Number Social Security No. Branch Code Dept. Code CURRENT AND YTD FIGURES:U Payroll USA Pay Slip Print PAYUSytd.DTA PAYUSCUR.DTAK This procedure assumes you are manually writing the Pay Checks . There isK an alternative procedure to print the Checks with the Pay Slips on the tear off check stub., Be sure printer is on and paper is lined up PRESS ANY KEY when ready Print ALL Pay Slips)Printer problem, restart part way through POPGWe are going to find the start position, be sure spelling and text caseJentered in response to the following First Name / Surname prompts is EXACT)Enter First Name from last Good Pay Slip &Enter Surname from last Good Pay Slip #** Sorry No Match found - TRY AGAIN@ Total Checks Issued U 8#RP1 "YES" "NO"U PAYPCFIN.DIF TABLE VECTORS TUPLES >i} u >m} u PAYPCFDD.DIF TABLE VECTORS TUPLES >i} u >m} u PAYPCFGV.DIF TABLE VECTORS TUPLES >i} u >m} u PAYPCFIN.HDR PAYPCFDD.HDR PAYPCFGV.HDR Payroll USA PC-FILE Translating K to .DIF suitable for Importing into a PC-File Database. Select Utilities,K Import, DIF from your PC-File Menu. The necessary PC-File Database/ definitions (.HDR files) will also be created.K This routine originally written for a version of PC-File popular in 1985K when maximum was 42 fields per Database, so 3 sets of files were needed.K PC-File+ released in 1987 has up to 70 fields per Database providing theyK are small enough to fit on the screen which these are not, so we will stay" with the older 3 file format.L NOTE: The version of PC-File this .DIF file format translation was written L for is probably now obsolete. Later versions of PC-File use dBASE III L .DBF file formats (seperate choice from the prior menu). As at 3/1991 we L are planning to delete this PC-File .DIF translation with our next release.L IF YOU HAVE ANY USE FOR IT PLEASE ADVISE US OR IT WILL BE GONE ! PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE PAYPCFIN.DTA PAYPCFIN.INX PAYPCFDD.DTA PAYPCFDD.INX PAYPCFGV.DTA PAYPCFGV.INX0 Creating PAYPCFIN.HDR File - Income Definitions Creating PAYPCFIN.DIF File Record No. 4 Creating PAYPCFDD.HDR File - Deductions Definitions Creating PAYPCFDD.DIF File2 Creating PAYPCFGV.HDR File - 941 Etc. Definitions Creating PAYPCFGV.DIF File/ ALL DONE - PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE MENUU / W w %#%+%<% & &%&7&<&A&S&X&]&o&t&y& '&'+'0'B'G'L'^'c'h'r'w' (.(>(D(I(\(a(f(u(}( )/)4)9)>)H)M)_)d)i)~) *W*\*a* +!+&+:+?+D+I+S+X+ ,&,+,0,B,G,L,^,i,n,s,}, ->-C- .!.&.C.O.T.f.k.}. / /%/">4>9>>>P>U>Z>l>q>v> ?#?5?:???Q?V?[?m?r?w? @"@'@,@>@C@H@Z@_@d@v@{@ A(A-A2ADAIANA`AeAjA|A B)B.B3B8B=BRB\BfBkByB~B C(C-C2C?CRCeCwC D+D3DBDGD E$E)E.EHEMERE\EaEkEpE F&F.F@FgFlF G)G.G8G=GLGrG H1HNHkH I&I+IhI L"L*LDL^LzL M!M&M+MDM[MxM~M N$NQCQ\QfQpQuQ T$T)T.T8T=TOT_TiTsT{T U&U+U0UBUGULUVU[UmUrUwU|U V'V8V>VQV\VaVfVuVzV W*WIWeW|W X#X7XZXwX Y&Y+Y0YfYyY Z+Z=ZBZJZ \C\]\ ]2]7]<]h]|] ^=_R_w_ `!`&`8`=`f`~` `9aea b2b7bAbFbib}b c5c?cIcSc]ckc d%d>dHdRdWdidnd f"f7fAfKfPfcfhfrfwf g6gJgfgpgzg hChVhohyh j8j@jNjSjhjrj|j k)k8kLkgk{k l-l2l7lNl^lclhlrlwl p!p&p4p9p>pHpMp_pdpip{p q q-q2q7qIqNqSqeqjqoq r'r:rErJrOr^rcrvr{r s*s5s:s?sNsSsfsksuszs t%t*t/t>tCtVt[tetjt|t u.u3uFuKuUuZuduiu{u v v2v7v.NNt >.NNu >.NNu >.NNu ; *** YEAR END - SPECIAL PROCESSING *** N This must be the LAST PAY for this year, therefore the YTD figures from theN Employee File, PAYUSA.DTA, as updated for this pay, will be written out onN the W-2 File, PAYW2.DTA . The output PAYUSA.DTA Employee YTD figures will beN zeroed (except for vacation and sick accruals) and Terminated Employees will% be purged from the output PAYUSA.DTAN Keep the PAYW2.DTA file on your output data directory for later W-2N production. The W-2's can be printed anytime before the legal deadline. IfN you are not already a Registered User of PAYROLL USA you must register if youO you want the program to print W-2's with (and next years Federal tax updates).N We strongly recommend that AFTER this pay cycle you also print a YTD PayrollN Register so you have complete printed YTD figures for each employee. It mayN come in handy if manual changes are needed to the W-2 to cover specialN situations. Also, if you are not in the habit of using the backup feature,N we strongly recommend you take a backup of the INPUT data directory afterO this pay cycle. Press Print Screen if you want to print a copy of this screen.O NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE PAY FREQUENCIES ON ONE FILE THE YEAR END WILL APPLYO TO ALL PAY FREQUENCIES. IF YOU STILL HAVE ANOTHER PAY THIS YEAR ABORT AND O RE-START - DO NOT ENTER NEXT PAY DATE AS NEXT YEAR UNTIL THE VERY LAST PAY M PRESS N TO ABORT PAY CYCLE IF YOU GOT HERE IN ERROR, OR PRESS Y TO CONTINUE U 8#RSP U,Y^_ 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP ) THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES ARE STATUS " " AND PAY METHOD " Processing SSN Empl# >5RAt >5RSt 8#RSP >}R v + Cleaning up temporary work file from disk .TMPU PAYUS941.DTA 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP WE NEED AT LEAST & BYTES OF DISK SPACE FOR THE PAY CYCLE OUTPUT FILES YOU HAVE ONLY BYTES FREE ON DRIVE L IF THIS PROGRAM ABORTS WITH A DISK WRITE ERROR YOU WILL NEED TO DELETE SOMEI INACTIVE FILES FROM THE DISK AND REDO THE PAY CYCLE. IT DOES NOT MATTERH WHICH DIRECTORIES THE FILES ARE DELETED FROM - JUST BE SURE THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED.5 YOU ARE SKATING ON THIN ICE BUT YOU MIGHT BE LUCKY ! ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU 8#RPU 8#RPU 8#RPU 8#RPU 8#RPU )!8#0 8#RP1 8#RP1 PAYROLL USA Pay Cycle @Above input Employee File Not Found - Press any Key to return to the Main Menu5 Be sure Printer is switched on and paper is lined up then press any key to continue Re-indexing PAYUSA.DTA Sorting PAYUSCUR.DTA PAYUSYTD.DTA PAYW2.DTA Processing and Creating on PAYUSA.DTA PAYUSCUR.DTA PAYUSYTD.DTA PAYUS941.DTA PAYW2.DTA EMPLOYEES PROCESSED = PAYW2 PAYUSA Creating Index for New PAYUSA.INX PAYUSA.DTAU >0NAu $ E K l r ("('(,(>(C(H(Z(_(d(v({( )!)&)+)=)B)G)Y)^)c)u)z) * *%*5*:*?*Q*V*[*`*e*w*|* +&+++0+B+G+L+^+c+h+m+}+ ,!,&,0,5,:,L,Q,V,[,m,r,w,|, -'-,-1-6-B-S-`-s-}- .,.6.@.H.M.R.b.l.v. /(/-/2/D/I/N/`/e/j/t/y/ 6%6*6/6A6F6K6]6b6g6y6~6 7!7&7+7=7B7G7Q7V7h7m7r7 81868;8M8R8W8i8n8s8x8}8 8*9:9@9J9g9 :B:J:Z: ;.;T;{; ;:=Q=e= >0>?>W>o> @%A-ATA\A B?BGBnBvB C*C2CYCaC DDDLDsD{D G-G:GGGTGaGnG{G H$HHHZHeH I1I^s^ ^!_s_ `#`D`L` a.aOaWaia a.b?babmbvb cYcacqcyc d!d)dBdTdbdgdqdvd~d dOefeye~e f,f1f;f@fRf_flfqfvf g#g-g2gnhn oBomouo pGpOp_p p!q)q9qcq r=rhrpr sBsJsZs t$t4t^t u8ucuku{u v2v:vJvavuv w-w?wGw\wyw x-x2x~K~U~b~o~t~y~ >0Q&:E )!8#0 N ** PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE VERY CAREFULLY ** N An incorrect reply can make it impossible to re-run the last pay cycle AND N may result in the figures from it not being included in the Employee YTD N (file PAYUSA.DTA) and the IRS 941 accumulations (file PAYUS941.DTA). M PAYROLL USA keeps its data files on two seperate directories (normallyM \PAYIN and \PAYOUT ) so that the pay cycle can easily be re-run if errorsM are found (because the input on \PAYIN is not changed by the pay cycle).M Example, before you issue the pay checks you find you paid somebody for 750B hours instead of 75 hours - you may want to re-run the pay cycle.M If there are no pay cycle errors then the files PAYUSA.DTA, PAYUSA.INX andM PAYUS941.DTA output by the pay cycle have to be copied from \PAYOUT toM \PAYIN before updates for the next pay cycle are done. This copying isM controlled by the programs and will be done (or not done) based on your answers to this message. PRESS ANY KEYM The run control flag in the PAYUSA.CNF file indicates that you have notM copied the output files from the last pay cycle to the input directory,M therefore we will be reading or updating the same files as were input to theM last pay cycle (in effect throwing away the results of the last pay cycle).M This is appropriate ONLY IF you are fixing errors prior to RE-RUNNING the last pay cycle.)Is this what you intended (reply Y or N) B (If last Pay Cycle all complete, figures correct, then reply N ) B ( In other words, N means make the last pay cycle permanent ) CDo You NOW Want to Copy the Pay Cycle Output to the Input Directory-so you can update it for the NEXT Pay Cycle ? Normal Reply is Y to Copy, else N to access the OLD file *COPYING FILES TO THE INPUT DIRECTORY FROM: PAYUS941.DTAM PAYUSA.DTA File Not Found - CANNOT COPY, this is O.K. ONLY IF pay cyclesM have been run on test data and the output directory has just been erasedM prior to running the first real pay cycle on live data. If you have run1 previous real pay cycles you may have a problem.; PRESS ANY KEY TO ACCESS WHATEVER IS IN THE INPUT DIRECTORYU NOTES: From any Empl. Screen: Home Returns to this Menu End Releases Employee Recs. Pg Up / Pg Dn Pages back and forth F1 Editor Help From Current $ Screens F8 Calc.>Select Where you wish to start reading this Employee's Records Basic Employee Information Employee Tax Info/Exemptions Employee Comments Screen Employee Y.T.D. Hours/Initl. Employee Y.T.D. Figures Employee Current Hours Employee Current Figures Employee Last 10 Pays Summary Calc Not Applicable# This Employee's Status is not A so# Calculation Mode is not applicable OK TO WRITE CHANGES ?( You have Updated the Copy of the Employee Records kept in Memory( Press Y to Overwrite the Originals on the Disk( End or Esc will throw away your Updates( Any other key Retains your Updates in( Memory and returns you to the Menu( Screen for the Current Employee without$ changing the Original Disk Records. Possible match for : SSN Empl. No. Surname First * Do you want to accept it (Press Enter) ? ' Ctrl Y (or NO) & Enter looks for more.* Press Esc if you wish to EXIT the Search Enter SIN ==> Enter Empl.Num ==> Enter Surname ==> )!8#0 }zTt$ }zTu$ Find Employee from SSN"Find Employee from Employee Number Find Employee from Surname"Find All Active NOT SALARIED Empl. Find All Active SALARIED Empl."Find ALL NOT TERMINATED Employees. Find ALL TERMINATED Employees # Sorry, No Potential Matches Found U OK to Continue Entry ? C To be certain nothing is overlooked, ALL screens must be displayedB when adding an employee. The new employee is only written to diskD when the last screen has been displayed. You can cancel the add at+ any screen by replying "N" at this window.A Prior to 3/91 the screens only progressed in a forward directionA when adding employees. No big problem as you can finish the add? then immediately access the new employee in update mode if youC forgot something. From 3/91 you may also now move backwards during? the add by ending any screen from any field with the PgUp key.. However, all screens still must be displayed. Press Y to Continue + -OR- Press N to Cancel New Employee Entry N to Cancel Entry ? + Your Reply indicated you wish to to CANCEL' entry of this employee. ARE YOU SURE ?+ Press Y to Store Updated Screen -OR- Press N to Cancel New Employee Entry Quicker Entry ) IF there is nothing to enter on the NEXT) screen you may press Pg Dn (followed by) Y when the window pops up) to skip entry# For now, any key to continue ..... ALL DONE ! ) This is the LAST ENTRY SCREEN. Press any' key to save this new employee to disk. +YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH DISK SPACE ON DRIVE TO ADD EMPLOYEES There are only bytes still available !!EYou need to either delete some inactive files or use a different disk Size of Drive bytes PRESS ANY KEY )!8#0 8#RP1 8#RP1 O On new employee do not skip fields with arrow keys. Take cursor to EACH FIELD O on first 2 screens so pop up edit windows can help you when entry is required.U L NOTE: IF YOU ARRIVED AT THIS SCREEN IN ERROR AND WANT OUT WITHOUT ENTERINGK A NEW EMPLOYEE then enter a SSN (a dummy number such as 000-00-0000) thenM immediately press End or Esc before going on to any other fields. A pop upL window will appear. Press N. Another pop up window will appear. Press N again and you are out. Calc Not Applicable# This Employee's Status is not A so# Calculation Mode is not applicable PAYUSA.TMP I The Anthistle Systems Test Employees are now gone but your 941 quarterlyN figures will still include their pay. Individual employees are not identifiedM in the quarterly figures so it is all or nothing. We cannot delete selectedJ employees from the quarterly, but we can delete the entire quarterly fileN (it will then be rebuilt containing ONLY data from the next pay onwards - all; quarterly history will be gone). Which do you want to do:L 1. Erase complete 941 file and lose all quarterly history. Best choice ifL you have only recently started using Payroll USA for real employees (as+ you do not have much history to lose).J 2. Keep the existing 941 file and live with the fact that some quarterlyL figures (for those quarters where the test employees were paid) will beM out by the amount of test pays. (Manual adjustment may then be necessaryE for the affected quarters and for this year's annual 940 FederalK Unemployment Report). Choose ONLY if you have been using Payroll USAN for a long time and have built up a lot of history that you wish to keep.% YOUR CHOICE (Reply 1 or 2) =======> J The last pay cycle was not made permanent before starting this procedure.J It would be pointless making it permanent now as that would overwrite theI changes just made. Therefore, the run control flag has been re-set. IfF the last pay cycle was not a test pay cycle but a real pay cycle thenJ run it again. The hours you entered, etc., for that pay cycle will stillI be there for the remaining employees, you would just need to escape back2 to the main menu and select the pay cycle choice. PRESS ANY KEYU L Your Employee File has at least one of the Anthistle Systems Test EmployeesM on it. You can add additional employees to this test file, but we recommendK you only do so if those additional employees are meant to be used for testM purposes rather than for a real (permanent) payroll. The reason being that,K even if terminated, the Anthistle Test Employees would be included in yourF YTD and Quarterly figures and would have W-2's issued for them at theO end of the year. Fine for testing, but not so good if those are real reports.> You have 3 choices, Enter a number to indicate which you wantM 1. Leave existing employees alone. Continue with the Add of a new employee.F (Select this choice only if you are still testing out the system)F 2. Erase All Employee Data in the Input Directory (Starts a completeJ new Employee File). ALL employees (including any you have previouslyG added) will be gone. Best choice if your existing employee file is7 JUST a test file and you are now finished with it.I 3. Erase only the Anthistle Systems Test Employees. All other employeesH (including any of your own test employees) will remain on the file.I Best choice if you have already processed any real payrolls that you! wish to keep the results of.* YOUR CHOICE (Reply 1 or 2 or 3) =======> !.!F!K!U!Z!_!i!n! "*"/"4"F"K"P"b"g"l"~" #(#:#?#D#W#j#}# %4%=% &S&X&b&k& &1'6'E'J'O'i'p' (5(>( )()f)p)u) )J*O*^* +m+r+|+ , ,%,*,<,A,F,P,U,g,l,q, ---2-7-A-J-W- -*.V.m.t.y. />/F/X/y/ /(090 1<1E1a1{1 2,2=2B2G2Y2j2o2t2~2 4 4/4 5*555G5L5Q5d5p5v5 5u6~6 7-7M7_7e7q7 ;2;E;X;k;~; ;9mCmUmZm_mimnm n"n.n@nSncninun EMPL NUM PREV EMPL NUM SURNAME FIRST NAME STREET PHONE STATE ZIP CODE MARRIED YR BORN MO BORN DAY BORN OCCUPATION EMPLOYEE TYPE EMPLOYEE STATUS YR LAST REVIEW MO LAST REVIEW DAY LAST REVIEW YR NEXT REVIEW MO NEXT REVIEW DAY NEXT REVIEWU 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 PAY METHOD SALARY TERRITORY SALARY LEVEL SALARY PERFORMANCE ANNUAL SALARY HOURLY RATE PAY FREQ OVERTIME PERMITTED VACATION ACCRUAL P'CENT VACATION ALLOW VACATION TAKEN SICK ACCRUAL P'CENT SICK ALLOW SICK TAKEN START YEAR START MO START DAY END YEAR END MO END DAY REASON TERMINATEDCPress F8 for information on when you need to enter Bank A/c numbers EMPLOYEE'S BANK ROUTING CODE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBERU 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 EXEMPT FED TAX VOL FED ADDTNL WHOLDG NUM OF FED EXEMPTIONS EIC W5 FILED EIC W5 SPOUSE FILED*EXEMPT SOCIAL SECURITY AND EXEMPT MEDICARE.FEDERAL OR STATE EMPLOYEE PAYING MEDICARE ONLY EXEMPT FUTA EXEMPT STATE TAX VOL STATE ADDTNL WHOLDG NUM OF REG. STATE EXEMPTIONS NUM OF ADDL. STATE EXEMPTIONS EXEMPT SUTA EXEMPT LOCAL TAX NUM OF LOCAL EXEMPTIONS NON RESIDENT FOR LOCALU M = Male F = Female S = Single = Married = Head of House. = Other Marital STA = Statutory Employee DEC = Deceased LEG = Legal Rep. 942 = 942 Employee REG = Regular (not Above) A = Active - Normal Pay V = On Vacation - Stop Pay L = Laid Off - Stop Pay T = Terminated - Stop PayU N Instead of issuing Pay Checks, most banks will accept a list showing how muchN is to be transferred from your account to each individual employee's account.O You still need to issue a statement of pay to each employee to show how it wasN calculated. The bank list and the pay statement can be printed from the MainM Menu choice for "PRINT CHECKS & INTERNAL REPORTS / EXPORT FILES" after a payN cycle. If you prefer to use this method you need to set it up with your bankL manager and get the agreement of ALL your employees (as you do not want theF headaches of mixing cash or checks with bank deposits). Your own bankM information can be entered in the Configuration Section of Payroll USA (take? the Configuration Menu choice for "Your Company Information").L We need information here on this EMPLOYEE'S bank account. The employee bankN account number is needed in all cases. The employee does not need to bank atN your bank (though your bank may try to persuade you otherwise to increase newJ business, and because there may be some delay for the transfer to anotherM bank). If the employee banks elsewhere then the employee's bank routing codeN is also needed. This information can be obtained from the MICR coding on oneK of the employee's personal checks. The routing code is normally a 9 digitM number, and the account number is normally up to 7 digits. These numbers may! have additional embedded spaces.J If you are not using bank deposits of payroll then skip these two fields. ANY KEY TO RETURNU E PAY RATE CHANGED - DO VACATION AND SICK ACCRUALS NEED ADJUSTING ?I Vacation and Sick Accruals are dollar values accumulated as a percentageH of earnings. However, when the employee takes Sick or Vacation time itJ is entered as hours which are converted to dollars at the current rate ofJ pay and subtracted from the accrual. When you increase pay rate the timeH value of the unchanged dollar accrual will therefore decrease. Example:I $100.00 accrual is worth 10 hours off if accumulated at $10.00 per hour,H but if the pay rate is increased to $20.00 per hour the same $100.00 isC now only worth 5 hours off. This can be avoided by increasing theG dollar accrual so it is still worth the same amount of time at the new rate. B As pay rate went down you should not reduce the dollar accruals. A FOR THIS EMPLOYEE EXISTING IF CHANGED DIFFERENCE SICK ACCRUAL $ VACATION ACCRUAL $ EQUIVALENT SICK HRS. NOW , IF NOT CHANGED WILL BE EQUIVALENT VAC. HRS. NOW E IS PAYUSA TO MAKE THE ABOVE ACCRUAL CHANGE IN THE NEXT PAY (Y OR N) >,RAt 8#RSP 8#RSP >5RAt >5RSt 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP >5RAt >5RSt 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP 8#RSP push$Information Only - Any Key Continues. If this employee is to be paid we need either0 an ANNUAL SALARY or an HOURLY RATE depending on1 the PAY METHOD code. The cursor will only go to- where the pay method indicates. If entering1 salary be sure to use the annual figure (not the/ figure per pay period) as salary is divided by, the PAY FREQ (pays per year) in the payroll calculations. S = Salaried H = Hourly Pay C = Commission A = Salary And Commission P = Hourly Plus Commission 52 = Weekly 26 = Biweekly 24 = Semimonthly 12 = Monthly 4 = Quarterly See More Choices 2 = Semiannually 1 = Annually 260 = Daily 10 = 10 Pay Teachers 13 = Every 4 Weeks 22 = 22 Pays ea. Year A = Shortage of Work B = Strike or Lockout C = Return to School D = Illness or Injury E = Quit F = Pregnancy G = Retired H = Work Sharing J = Apprentice Training K = Other - Note on Comment Scn.U >5RAt >5RSt 8#RSP >5RAt >5RSt >5RAt >5RSt >5RCu >5RAt >5RSt >}R v push$Information Only - Any Key Continues> If this is not a normal pay period you may wish to adjust the? tax calculations. The intention is to avoid over deduction of> tax when for example a weekly paid employee takes say 2 weeks@ vacation plus the regular week's pay = 3 weeks total pay in one> check. This can be done by setting "P.P.EXCEPTION" on the top< right of this screen to the number of working days pay this; total pay check represents (15 days in the above example). U KOption on Hours Entry: 35:45 and 35.75 are BOTH 35 3/4 hours. The colon (:)Kdenotes hours:minutes - OR - the decimal (.) denotes entry is hours.decimalU 8THERE ARE 3 YEAR TO DATE SCREENS WHICH ARE MIRROR IMAGES;OF THE 3 EQUIVALENT CURRENT PAY PERIOD SCREENS, EXCEPT THAT time by pressing the F8 key. Whether or not you use F8 theA screen will be totalled by PAYROLL USA after you finish withB it to ensure internal balancing. For this reason the cursorB will not go to the total lines. So, transfer the detail lines,> use F8 to calculate the totals, then be sure they balance to your totals.= If the employee has YTD earnings your YTD FICA / FUTA / SUTA< entries will also be checked. Pay attention to the figures@ including employer contributions on the last YTD screen as they@ are used in the Government Reports and to determine when annual@ maximums are reached. If you are adding an employee and are not@ able to immediately go back to the screen those figures are on,A then complete the employee entry and after the employee is addedB to the file (but before the YTD is locked by the first Pay Cycle)@ you will be able to find and update the record as with existing employees. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE PAY YR PAY MO PAY DAY P.P.EXCEPTION GL ACCNT BRANCH CODE DEPT CODE CHARGE PROJECT COMPUTER CALC PAY COMPUTER CALC TAX PAY ALL VACN. ACCRL.U 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 8#RP1 push$Information Only - Any Key ContinuesK You have indicated that this is NOT a normal pay period for this employee. Examples:K 1. It is SHORTER than normal because the employee is terminating part wayI through a pay period, or was absent (unpaid) for part of the pay period.K 2. It is LONGER than normal because the employee is taking time off work= for vacation and is being paid in advance for that vacation.K The figure inserted here should be the WHOLE number of working DAYS thisK pay represents. It will be used instead of the regular pay frequency toK calculate ALL Government deductions. Taxable Fringe Benefits and VoluntaryK Deductions may need adjustment. IF there is a Tax Saving Employee BenefitK Plan, the FICA / FUTA / SUTA adjustments on this employee's tax set up- continuation screen may also need attention. Warning Only - Any Key ContinuesH TRUE will cause any YTD Vacation Accrual plus any Accrual from this payH to be included as Vacation in this pay. Accruals are only calculated ifH % shown on Basic Employee Info. Screen 2. Use TRUE for annual vacationI and set back to false after this pay, or use on termination, or leave it- set True each pay if vacation paid each pay. U 8#RSP OPay + Fringes <> Taxable because other tax affecting items selected in Config. U NOTE NOTE THAT THE FUTA / SUTA AND SOCIAL SECURITY FIGURES IN THE RIGHT HAND COLUMN INCLUDE THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION. THE FUTA PAYABLE IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "FUTA LIAB" AND "FUTA STATE CREDIT AVAIL"U 1991 SOC SEC"SOC SEC AND MEDICARE WAGES AND AMT#EXCLUDE TIPS. TIPS INCLUDE BOTH SOC!SEC AND MEDICARE. IF SOC SEC THEN"TOTAL WAGE EXCLUDES MEDICARE WAGE."FOR COMPATIBILITY EARLIER VERS. OF"PROGRAM. WILL BE SPLIT ON 941 FORMU Y.T.D. PAGE 2 OF 3U Y.T.D. PAGE 3 OF 3U & F8 WILL PRE-CALCULATE PAY (OPTIONAL) U & F8 WILL PRE-CALCULATE PAY (OPTIONAL) U O SUMMARY OF LAST 10 PAY PERIODS ( 32767.99 indicates actual amount was greater)N Pay YMD Tot Hrs Tot Pay Taxable Tot Ded Net Pay Check FUTA Wage G HISTORICAL INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE USEFUL FOR STATE UNEMPLOYMENTNYear, 1/4 Actual Pay Taxable Pay Suta Wage Suta Liab (Incl. Employee Paid) ) : D I N S ^ p u z = H { !%!0!c!q! !#"5"@"]" #?#J#s# $A$L$v$ %*%6%L%X%o% &#&9&H&_&s& '('='Q'['d'q' ($(F(Q({( )')4):)C)j)u) *$*C*N* *$+7+J+]+p+ ,0,R,], -,-5-B- .6.E.N.p.{. .!/,/R/a/j/ 0'000?0O0_0e0r0z0 7%7*7/7A7F7K7]7b7g7y7~7 8$8)8;8@8E8W8\8a8s8x8}8 9#93989=9O9T9Y9^9{9 :(:I:X:h:x: ;-;=;C; ; <5LCLHLZL_LdLvL{L P P3PFPYPkPtP P#QBQMQ S(SGSRSlS V-VNVoV W!W4WGWZWlWuW X"X/XnYzY [)[j[ \B\a\l\ ]7]B]l] ^"^(^5^W^b^ _1_<_f_~_ `,`<`L`R`_` a.aAaTagaza b,bkbvb c)c4c d4d?d~d e7eBeiexe fCfRf\f~f g,g6gXgcg h;hFh}h iEiTi^i jHjrj}j m*mrCrHrWrnr~r r s$s-s2s7s s4tLtgt u'u2uOufu}u v(vPvqv w#w@wWwewpw z"z-z?zDzIz M Information relevant to the calculation of STATE TAXES is entered here.H Note that PAYROLL USA is designed to handle only one State per set ofL employee files. If you have employees in several States you need to groupO them into separate input and output data directories, one State in each set ofO directories. Example \STATENME\PAYIN\ and \STATENME\PAYOUT\ (where STATENME isJ an abbreviation for your State, anything that is meaningful to you with aL maximum of 8 characters). On the program directory (example \PAYPGMS\ ) theM PAYUSA.CNF configuration file contains the State Taxes and tells PAYROLL USAM where the data directories are. You therefore also need separate versions of$ the PAYUSA.CNF file for each State.J This is best handled by setting up separate data directories for eachL State and using a single program directory. Run PAYUSA to create the firstM PAYUSA.CNF file for the first State. Exit PAYUSA.EXE and immediately RENAMEK PAYUSA.CNF STATENME.CNF then run PAYUSA again, set up the next State'sN PAYUSA.CNF. Providing they are all on the program directory PAYROLL USA willN automatically recognize multiple configuration files and give you a choice of+ which one to use when you start up PAYUSA.H The above principles also apply to Accountants doing client payroll forO multiple companies, except there the difference is the Company rather than theI State - it still requires multiple configuration files and separate data. directories. Substitute COMPANY for STATENME. ANY KEY TO CONTINUE U STATE NAMECCODES: S = Single, M = Married, H = Head of Household, O = Other L Please enter below all codes for which your State has Withholding TablesL eg. SM or SMH or SMHO . The ones selected are the only ones you willL have access to, and will be the only valid Employee Marital Status Codes.L These codes are ALSO used for Federal Tax so you must use at least SM, ifL your State only has one table for all status's then set it up twice, once- for Single, again (Same Rates) for Married MARITAL STATUS CODES )!8#0 CAK You appear to be using California State Income Taxes. Would you like thisM program to ensure you are using the California Taxes that were effective for January 1, ?6 Reply Y to set State Income Tax to Calfornia January - OR -1 Reply N to leave State Income Tax as it is now SMH4 State Income Tax has been set to Calfornia January . ONLY State IncomeM Tax has just been updated, remember to also check (and adjust if necessary):+ 1. State Unemployment (on the next screen)/ 2. SDI rate and maximum deduction, as follows:2 a) Escape back to the Main Configuration Menu7 b) Take Choice F3 = Colors, Disk, Printer, Prompts6 c) Take Sub Choice F4 = Customize "OTHER" Prompts= d) Press PgDn untill you arrive at Percentage DeductionsA e) SDI will usually be one of the Percentage Deduction Items ANY KEY TO CONTINUE U State Unemployment9 SUTA EMPLOYER RATE (0.037 = 3.7% ETC.) SUTA MAX WAGEI In most States SUTA is paid entirely by the employer. However,I if employees contribute to SUTA in your State enter the rate onI their earnings on the next line, else use Ctrl Y to set it to zero. SUTA EMPLOYEE RATE SDI (DISABILITY) TAXJ If applicable to your State, use one of the four DEDUCT OTHER lines.J See the Configuration "OTHER" Menu which allows input of Rate and Maximum Annual Deduction.U M METHOD (FORMULA) FOR CALCULATING STATE TAXES (Actual Rates can be varied) "NEW YORK METHOD" -----------------N Similar to Federal. Taxable Earnings are reduced by the amount of deductionN allowance appropriate to the Marital Status, then further reduced by theN amount of one exemption multiplied by the number of exemptions claimed., State Tax is calculated on the remainder. !** MOST STATES USE THIS METHOD ** "CALIFORNIA METHOD" -------------------N If Taxable Earnings are less than a certain amount the State Tax is zero,N else we have to calculate it as follows : The total federal exemptions fromN the W4 are split into "regular" and "additional" (for estimated deductions).N If any additional exemptions then Taxable Earnings are reduced according toN a Table. Taxable Earnings are further reduced by a Standard DeductionN Table, and State Tax is calculated on the remainder. Finally State Tax isN reduced by an amount taken from a Tax Credit Table (dependent on the number of "regular" W4 exemptions). .** ONLY CALIFORNIA SEEMS TO USE THIS METHOD ** "CUSTOM STATE TAX FACTORS" ------------------------- If your State follows NEITHER of the above , choose XX to customize4CHOOSE A METHOD, ENTER NY OR CA OR XX, AS APPLICABLE )!8#0 )!8#0 K In your State Withholding Tax Tables, Exact Calculation Method, how manyK lines are in the Annual Tax Rate Schedule. Count the line that typicallyK starts "$0 to $4020" as line 1, the line that typically starts "$52760 and8 over" as the highest line number. Maximum is 16 lines. G IF your State has ONE FLAT RATE for ALL income levels then reply 1 and1 fill in the table on the next screen as follows:E | IF ANNUAL WAGES OF | THE ANNUALIZED TAX IS THE SUM OF>Line | At But Less | This This OfH No. | Least Than | Amount Plus Rate Excess OverJ------|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------I 1 | 0.0 Ignore | 0.0 0.05 Ignore6 ^6 Enter your flat rate here, e.g.__|L IF your State has NO STATE TAX then follow the above example but substituteJ 0.0 for the rate (where we have used 0.05 (5%)) or you can skip State TaxE calculation by setting "EXEMPT STATE TAX" to TRUE on each individual/ employee's tax set up screen (in PAYUSEDT.EXE)2 NUMBER OF LINES IN STATE ANNUAL TAX RATE SCHEDULE# ( Must be at least 1 ) RATES< - ANNUAL STATE TAX RATE SCHEDULE - EXACT CALCULATION METHODI (Note the State Table may show percentages - convert these to decimalsE e.g. 2% = 0.02, 3% = 0.03, 9.5% = 0.095, 11% = 0.11 etc. etc.)E | IF ANNUAL WAGES OF | THE ANNUALIZED TAX IS THE SUM OF>Line | At But Less | This This OfH No. | Least Than | Amount Plus Rate Excess OverJ------|-----------------------|------------------------------------------- Ignore 8#RP1 SINGLE MARRIED HEAD OF H. OTHERU [cSu: [cMu: [cHu9 [cOu7 4 STATE TAXES - "NEW YORK METHOD"L Please consult your State Withholding Tax Tables and Methods Booklet andL use the ANNUAL figures given for the EXACT CALCULATION METHOD. The "HEADL OF HOUSEHOLD" and "OTHER" Category are for use only in those States whichG have those Statuses (e.g. if you selected "SMHO" as a valid Status).#Table A - Deduction Allowance TableG SINGLE MARRIED HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD OTHER#Table B - Exemption Allowance Table% AMOUNT OF ONE STATE EXEMPTIONU 6 STATE TAXES - "CALIFORNIA METHOD"L Please consult your State Personal Income Tax Withholding Guide BookletL and use the ANNUAL figures given for the EXACT CALCULATION METHOD. TheL Table 1 and 3 "OTHER" Category is for use only in those States which haveJ another Marital Status (e.g. if you selected "SMHO" as a valid Status).$Table 1 - Low Income Exemption Table= MARRIED - W4 ALLOWANCES UNMARRIED HEADJ SINGLE 0 OR 1 2 OR MORE OF HOUSEHOLD OTHER #Table 2 - Estimated Deduction TableH Additional (exclude Regular) W4 Allowances for Estimated DeductionsG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10U = STATE TAXES - "CALIFORNIA METHOD" - Continued"Table 3 - Standard Deduction Table= MARRIED - W4 ALLOWANCES UNMARRIED HEADJ SINGLE 0 OR 1 2 OR MORE OF HOUSEHOLD OTHER Table 4 - Tax Credit TableB REGULAR (EXCLUDE ADDITIONAL) W4 ALLOWANCESK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SINGLE OTHER 8 CUSTOMIZE STATE TAX FACTORS - Page 1A1. DEDUCTION ALLOWANCE TABLE (reduces income for marital status)= Marital Deductions are a % of gross income (true or false)& IF true, % is (0.00 to 100.00)C SINGLE MARRIED(JOINT) HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD OTHERE IF true, MINIMUM Annual Dollar Value is (use 0.00 if no min.)H IF true, MAXIMUM Annual Dollar Value is (use 9999999 if no max.)9 IF FALSE, Annual Dollar Value of Marital Deductions is= SINGLE MARRIED(JOINT) HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD OTHERU 8 CUSTOMIZE STATE TAX FACTORS - Page 2 C2. EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE (reduces income for dependents, etc.) Value of One Exemption/3. FEDERAL ALLOWANCES (not used in most States); % of Federal Tax allowed as a deduction (0.00 to 100.00)8 Maximum Annual Dollar Value (use 99999.99 if no max.)3 % of Federal Social Security (FICA) allowed as a deduction (0.00 to 100.00)7 Maximum Annual Dollar Value (use 9999.99 if no max.) 4. TAX RATE TABLE &(answer false to input regular tables)B State Tax is straight % of Federal Tax Withheld (True or False)0 IF true, % of Federal Tax is (0.00 to 100.00)U 8 CUSTOMIZE STATE TAX FACTORS - Page 3 M5. EXEMPTION TAX CREDIT TABLE (reduces TAX otherwise payable, for dependentsL etc. NOTE this is an AFTER TAX CALCULATION reduction, not used in mostI States, where it is used it is normally instead of tables 1 and/or 2L and/or 3 above which should therefore be set to all 0.00 as applicable)7 Exemption tax credit table is used (true or false)% IF true, whole dollar amount is:G EXEMPTIONS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SINGLE OTHER 8#u1U MInformation relevent to the calculation of Local Taxes is entered below.MNote that PAYROLL USA is designed to handle only one Locality at a time. IfMyou have employees in several Localities you need to group them into seperateMPAYUSA.DTA files, one Locality in each file, you also need seperate versionsMof the PAYUSA.CNF file for each Locality, and seperate Pay Cycle runs. SeeMthe Configure State Tax screens for how to use .BAT files to solve this. NoteNthat local tax is charged only if the default in the employee rec. is changed. LOCAL NAMEU SINGLE LOCAL DEDUCTION MARRIED LOCAL DEDUCTION ONE LOCAL EXEMPTIONJIn your Local Withholding Tax Tables, Exact Calculation Method, how manyJlines are in the Annual Tax Rate Schedule. Count the line that typicallyJstarts "$0 to $1000" as line 1, the line that typically starts "$25000 andKup" as the highest line number. Follow examples given on State Tax screens.1NUMBER OF LINES IN LOCAL ANNUAL TAX RATE SCHEDULE GIf your Locality has a Non Resident Earnings Tax Enter below the numberGof lines in the Local Non Resident Annual Tax Rate Schedule (from theDAnnualized Tax Method pages), else enter 1 then set tax rate to 0.0.>NUMBER OF LINES IN LOCAL NON RESIDENT ANNUAL TAX RATE SCHEDULEU 8#RP1 8#RP1 J SINGLE RATES - ANNUAL LOCAL TAX RATE SCHEDULE - EXACT CALCULATION METHODI (Note the Local Table may show percentages - convert these to decimalsB e.g. 0.9% = 0.009, 2.5% = 0.025, 4.3% = 0.043 etc. etc.)E | IF ANNUAL WAGES OF | THE ANNUALIZED TAX IS THE SUM OF>Line | At But Less | This This OfH No. | Least Than | Amount Plus Rate Excess OverJ------|-----------------------|------------------------------------------- Ignore 8#RP1 J MARRIED RATES - ANNUAL LOCAL TAX RATE SCHEDULE - EXACT CALCULATION METHODI (Note the Local Table may show percentages - convert these to decimalsB e.g. 0.9% = 0.009, 2.5% = 0.025, 4.3% = 0.043 etc. etc.)E | IF ANNUAL WAGES OF | THE ANNUALIZED TAX IS THE SUM OF>Line | At But Less | This This OfH No. | Least Than | Amount Plus Rate Excess OverJ------|-----------------------|------------------------------------------- Ignore 8#RP1 = LOCAL NON RESIDENT EARNINGS TAX - ANNUALIZED TAX METHODF(Note the Local Table may show percentages - convert these to decimalsGe.g. 0.45% = 0.0045, 1% = 0.01 etc. IF NO NON RESIDENT TAX, RATE = 0.0); | IF ANNUALIZED PAY IS | THE ANNUALIZED | THE TAX;Line | But Not | EXCLUSION IS | RATE IS2 No. | Over Over | |=------|-----------------------|------------------|----------- Ignore Same0NO TAX IS WITHELD ON ANNUAL PAY LESS THAN OR = $U 8#RP1 FFor Local Residents the percentage of State Tax to charge as Local Tax is (0.00 to 100.00)JFor Local NON RESIDENTS the percentage of State Tax to charge as Local Tax PAYUSA LOCAL TAX TABLES Basic Local Tax Info. Local Tax Schedule Single Local Tax Schedule Married Local Tax Schedule Non Resident DO ALL OF THE ABOVE Return to Configuration Menu PAYUSA LOCAL TAX CONFIG. AFor any employees whose "Exempt Local Tax" field is set to False,! the Current Setting in Use is Flat % of State Tax for Local Local Tax TablesJ Most States have NO local taxes therefore the default is not to use them.D If you need them, choose a method from here and supply the requiredG information. Also on the Employee Tax Info/Exemptions screens of eachH individual employee change the "Exempt Local Tax" from the default True to False.!Use Flat % of State Tax for Local OR, Use Local Tax Tables " 4 9 > P U Z l q v S ^ ,!7!g&p&u&z& '"'''9'>'C'U'Z'_'d'v'{' (#(((-(?(D(I([(`(e(w(|( )$))).)3)E)J)O)T)f)k)p)u) *(*.*:*L*d*|* 0.03080J0O0T0^0c0u0z0 1"1'11161@1E1W1\1a1s1x1}1 2*252:2?2K2e2 5"5/54595>5P5U5Z5d5i5{5 6 616T6\6k6q6 7 7%747:7L7Q7V7[7j7p7 8,8R8W8\8 9Z9e9~9 :G:R:k: :3;>;V;v; ;#@C@H@Z@_@d@v@{@ A3A8A=AHAeAjAoAzA B2B7BIOIZI_IdIoI J J%J*JVIVNVSV^VoVzV W W2W7WcVUt PAYUSA.CNF MANYCNFU.DAT PAYUSA EQUIP. CONFIG. )DO ALL OF ITEMS 2 THRU 4 OF THE FOLLOWING Customize Screen Colors Set Up Disk / Printer. Customize Prompts, Auto Calc, Taxable, W-2 Copy Test Files into Directories : INTERFACING PAYROLL USA TO YOUR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: =================================================DPayroll USA will print Summary Journal Entries which can beDposted to ANY double entry Accounting System, whether it be aDcomputer or a manual system. If you provide the account numbers onDthe next few screens they will be printed on the Journal Entry for ease of posting. PRESS ANY KEY U *ENTER YOUR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM NUMBERS FOR :(----------------------------------------&BANK ACCOUNT that Pay will come out of Credit ASSET A/c Num.:GROSS PAY (i.e. Salary, Wages, etc. BEFORE any deductions) Debit EXPENSE A/c Num.4COMPANY'S OWN CONTRIBUTION TO FICA (SOCIAL SECURITY) Credit LIABILITY A/c Num.@COMPANY'S OWN CONTRIBUTION TO FUTA (FED. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE)ACOMPANY'S OWN CONTRIBUTION TO SUTA (STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE)-PAYMENT OF EIC (ADVANCE EARNED INCOME CREDIT) Debit LIABILITY A/c Num.D(usually same A/c# as Fed. Inc. Tax or FICA for offset of taxes due)9MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT FOR ANY UNEXPECTED BALANCING ERRORS, DLIABILITY ACCOUNTS TO HOLD DEDUCTIONS WITHELD FROM EMPLOYEES UNTIL,THEY ARE REMITTED TO THEIR FINAL DESTINATIOND--------------------------------------------------------------------BYou should at least have accounts for Government Deductions, other=accounts are optional depending on if you use that deduction.! CREDIT LIABILITY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NAME NUMBER Continued on next screen... ,2. OPTIONAL - Continued from previous screen= (NEED LIABILITY ACCOUNTS ONLY IF DEDUCTIONS WILL BE TAKEN)U DOPTIONAL EXPENSE ACCOUNTS FOR WHEN EMPLOYEES CAN CLAIM OUT OF POCKETDEXPENSES AND YOU ARE USING PAYROLL USA'S OPTION OF COMBININGAEXPENSE PAYMENTS AND NET PAY INTO ONE CHECK (Also Allocated Tips)D--------------------------------------------------------------------! DEBIT EXPENSE ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NAME NUMBER DFOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS SECTION, ACCOUNTS ARE NEEDED ONLY IF THAT.PARTICULAR ITEM IS RELEVANT TO YOUR OPERATION.DIf you do not enter BOTH Expense and Liability account numbers forDan item then that item will be omitted from your Journal entries asDit is assumed you do not wish to post it from the payroll system.C=================================================================== OTHER EMPLOYMENT EXPENSES:DThese are all additional Employee Costs for which Expense accountsDMAY be needed, but if used they also need corresponding LiabilityDaccount numbers as the cost of Taxable Benefits will usually be paidCto somebody somewhere, but is not paid directly in the pay check,Dand Sick and Vacation Accruals should be carried as a liabilityDuntil they are eventually adjusted by Payroll USA for theDinevitable payment to the employee. Sick and Vacation Accruals areDonly calculated if the corresponding percentage on the second-employee basic information screen is NOT 0.00,PRESS ANY KEY FOR LIST OF REMAINING ACCOUNTS' DEBIT CREDIT' EXPENSE LIABILITY'ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT'NAME NUMBER NUMBER GHere we keep some information about your Company. This will be used on.printed reports. Use Ctrl Y to clear fields. COMPANY NAME STREET STATE ZIP CODE PHONE FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID NUMBER STATE EMPLOYER ID NUMBERKIf you wish to pay the employee's by transferring funds directly into theirLbank accounts instead of issuing Pay Checks then please supply the followingNinformation (From your bank or from the MICR coding on one of your Pay Checks) PAYROLL A/C BANK ROUTING CODE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBERU >iY-u "$")"."9"K"P"U"`"r"w"|" #!##B#G#L#Q#\#n#s#x#}# $!$&$+$6$G$L$Q$V$a$s$x$}$ %!%&%+%0%;%L%Q%V%[%f%x%}% &&&+&0&5&@&Q&V&[&`&k&}& '('S'^' (+(6(l( (7+D+^+p+u+z+ ,",4,9,>,H,M,_,d,i,s,x, -5-d- - .O.~. /T/j/ 0'0^0 0,1R1|1 1*2T2_2 3,373n3 4F4p4{4 5H5S5 6)6w6 6 7+767]7l7v7 878F8P8r8}8 9 9*9L9W9~9 :&:1:X:g:q: ;1;@;J;k;v; <=,>7>^>m>w> ?8?G?Q?s?~? @!@+@M@X@~@ B'B:BLBUB]BbByB~B FEFRF_FeF G)G/GIGSGXGjGoGtG H#H?HEHWHcHmHzH I.I3I8IHIMIiIoI J1J9JAJKJUJZJdJiJ{J K!K0K6KKKPKbKnKyK L$L/LgYghgsg h"h=h k'k,k1kCkHkMk_kdkik{k l0l6l;lMlblglll m.mrm m3n>n ngwowtw~w x#x5x:x?xIxNx`xexjx|x y!y3y8y=yOyTyYykypyuyzy z$z6z;z@zRzWz\znzszxz {/{5{G{L{Q{e{j{t{y{ |%|*|/|4|Q|e| }(}.}C}H}M}g}m} },~H~g~